This page provides information on the ShapeChange releases. An overview is provided first, followed by a list of detailed notes for each release. The list of currently known issues is available on GitHub.
1. Overview
The ShapeChange 4.0.0 release package can be downloaded here.
Additional information, including dependencies:
Java Version: Java 21 (LTS) (tested with 64 bit)
Tested EA Version(s): EA 17.0 (32 bit)
NOTE: This field specifies the versions of EA with which the given ShapeChange release has been developed and tested. The release will in most cases also work with other versions of EA (especially: versions prior to the specified version), because the EA API as well as the interfaces used by ShapeChange are often - but not always - backwards compatible. Of course, this is more likely the case for recent prior versions.
EA API included in distribution: EA 17.0.1704
NOTE: If you are using a different version of EA and experience issues when executing ShapeChange, you can try exchanging the eaapi jar in the "lib" folder with the one provided by your version of EA (the .jar file can be found in "\{EA installation directory}/Java API"). Make sure to rename your eaapi.jar to the one you wish to replace, otherwise ShapeChange-internal links to the jar (especially in the manifest of the ShapeChange JAR file) may be broken.
Saxon JAR used: Saxon-HE-12.5.jar
NOTE: Identifies the version of the Saxon HE jar that is used by the ShapeChange release. If you plan to create feature catalogues or to apply XSL transformations to output files and would like to use Saxon as XSLT processor, then download that version of the Saxon HE jar from the official maven repository and copy it to the lib folder of your ShapeChange distribution.
2. Changelog
Since v2.5.0, a log with all changes is available in our GitHub repository.